Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Telstra T-Touch Tab Model S7-104

After testing both Telstra T-Touch Tab and Optus My Tab, I bought the Telstra model S7-104 (Huawei Ideos Tablet S7) even though both have resistive screens. The problem with Optus My Tab is unlike Telstra T-Touch Tab, if you turn on airplane mode, you can't turn on wi-fi. Also, S7-104 has a built-in kickstand, comes with a stylus and external microSD slot. I prefer using a stylus with a resistive screen since the main usage is web browsing on wi-fi. This is the same reason why I prefer to use a mouse over a touch-pad on a laptop.

If you prefer a capacitive screen, you can buy the more expensive model S7-105 with 8GB of internal storage and Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz processor. Only this model is certified WPA2 bgn but I don't encounter any issues on S7-104 with my home network using WPA2.

Full charging takes around 2 hours and the battery lasts at least 4 hours with web browsing on wi-fi at minimum brightness.

If you get stuck in a force close loop, you can reboot your S7 in to the Android Safe Mode. To get to Safe Mode, power off the device, the press and hold the Track pad and press the Power button. Continue to hold the Track Pad until the system boots. It will say Safe Mode in the lower left corner. Safe Mode will load the default launcher. Once in Safe Mode, you can uninstall the app causing the force close loop. Then shut down and restart normally.

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